How to download  Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) data?


The ISIMIP data is widely used in climate change impact analysis. The data is in netcdf format, and the amount of data is very large. There are many files to download. Using wget and the ISIMIP interface, it’s easy to download the file you want.

First, use the ISIMIP interface to select the file and download the FILE_LIST.txt containing the path to the files of your choice.

Copy FILE_LIST.txt to the directory where you want to save the downloaded files.

Finally, run the following command:

wget -ci FILE_LIST.txt

If you allready know what files you want, you can use the path of the file directly, e.g.(ref:isimip):

wget -c

You can also download a complete directory using “–mirror –no-parent”, e.g.(ref:isimip):

wget -c --mirror --no-parent

Next, use xarray to select data in your region of interest.