Tag : birds

Type one or multiple words to narrow down the prompts, then click a prompt from the list (it will automatically copy to your clipboard). Paste it into the prompt field in the AI art generator’s form, where you can modify it before generating images. Many AI art generators, including NightCafe, Leonardoai, BingAI, Craiyon, Deepdream, Wombo, ..

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traditional chinese paintings

Our collection of 150 unique prompts offers a wide range of styles, mediums, and techniques for depicting the classic scene in traditional Chinese painting. From serene garden settings to surreal floating palaces, our prompts explore different moods, color schemes, and lighting settings to inspire artistic creativity. Some of the greatest Chinese painters throughout history, including ..

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As an experienced artist with a mastery of all art skills, I have generated 150 text-to-image AI art prompts for the bird painting genre. These prompts provide detailed descriptions of the subject, including art styles, mediums and techniques, lighting settings, color settings, and suitable descriptive terms. They also suggest the three most suitable artists for ..

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100 text-to-image prompts for creating wildlife paintings

These 100 prompts for Wildlife painting genre offer a wide range of inspiration for artists seeking to capture the beauty and majesty of the natural world. From the intricate details of dendritic patterns to the fantastical elements of dystopian landscapes, these prompts showcase the limitless possibilities of wildlife art. The selected art genres, styles, mediums, ..

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These 30 prompts provide a diverse range of subjects, styles, and techniques for creating artworks in the Conservation painting genre. From realistic depictions of endangered species to abstract representations of threatened ecosystems, these prompts aim to raise awareness about the importance of protecting our natural world. Through the use of mediums such as oil, acrylic, ..

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The 30 prompts collection is a feast for the eyes, featuring a diverse range of subjects and styles that will inspire artists of all backgrounds. From whimsical anthropomorphic birds to photorealistic portraits of peacocks, parrots, and other colorful birds, this collection offers something for everyone. The prompts incorporate a wide range of techniques, including traditional ..

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anime painting with ai art generators

This post provides 120 text-to-image prompt examples for creating beautiful anime images using AI Art Generators. The applicable popular AI art generators include NightCafe, DALL-E 2, Midjourney, Dream by WOMBO, craiyon, DeepDreamGenerator, and starry AI. Anime painting is a unique and highly stylized form of art that originated in Japan. It is characterized by its ..

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CGI Character painting with ai art generators

This post provides 80 text-to-image prompt examples for creating CGI characters using AI Art generators. The applicable popular AI art generators include NightCafe, DALL-E 2, Midjourney, Dream by WOMBO, craiyon, DeepDreamGenerator, and starry AI.CGI stands for Computer Generated Imagery, and a CGI character is a computer-generated 3D model that can be animated to create lifelike ..

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paintings of artistic portrait of people, animals and birds with ai art generators

An artistic portrait is a type of portrait that is created with an artistic intention, using various creative techniques and mediums. This type of portrait can convey a wide range of emotions and expressions, and may be created in a variety of styles, such as realism, impressionism, or abstract art. An artistic portrait is a ..

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