Tag : aiart

AI generated gallery about news of Russia-Ukraine war on June 20, 2023

Welcome to the AI-generated gallery titled “Special News:Russia-Ukraine War” This thought-provoking exhibition presents a curated collection of pivotal moments that have shaped the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Delving into the complex geopolitical landscape and historical context, this gallery aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the war’s significant milestones. Through a series of ..

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News about China includeing mainland, Hongkong and Taiwan

June 21, 2023 最新2024大選民調,賴清德支持度31.89%、柯文哲24.62%、侯友宜17.93%,尚未決定19.62%,不會投票3.59%、不知道和拒答2.35%[refere:udn.com] 懲戒法院前院長 李伯道 傳出是因數度性騷擾女部屬,被害人向時任司法院秘書長林輝煌申訴後,李提前退休 柯文哲提議重啟《兩岸服務貿易協定》,並力促民進黨通過《兩岸監督法》。林志傑批評重啟協議是操縱選舉問題,有害國安又無益於經濟 賴清德副總裁提議補貼超過新台幣25,000元的學費,以彌合公立和私立大學之間的差距。國民黨總統候選人侯友宜批評民進黨僅在執政8年的最後一年才解決私立大學學費問題,質疑如此突如其來的舉措是否有效。 解放军 军机出动19架次, 5艘舰艇继续在台湾海峡附近活动。其中两架军机也进入了台湾西南。国军表示,已动用飞机、舰船和岸基导弹系统密切监视和应对. June 20, 2023 Four doctors in Kaohsiung were found to have used phenobarbital in pediatric treatment, including children under the age of two. The city government investigated over 1,600 medical records, identified over 100 patients treated with phenobarbital, and conducted screening tests on ..

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AI generated Gallery about news arround the world

News on June 19, 2023 According to Dmitry Suslov, Deputy Director of Higher School of Economics’ Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to China aimed to prevent tensions, with the US adopting a defensive stance and offering apologies, while China maintained its strong rhetoric. A 16-year-old girl ..

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AI generate gallery about the special news of Ukraine-Russia War

Welcome to the AI-generated gallery titled “Special News:Russia-Ukraine War” This thought-provoking exhibition presents a curated collection of pivotal moments that have shaped the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Delving into the complex geopolitical landscape and historical context, this gallery aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the war’s significant milestones. Through a series of ..

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AI generate gallery about the special news of Ukraine-Russia War

Welcome to the AI-generated gallery titled “Special News:Russia-Ukraine War” This thought-provoking exhibition presents a curated collection of pivotal moments that have shaped the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Delving into the complex geopolitical landscape and historical context, this gallery aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the war’s significant milestones. Through a series of ..

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AI generated Gallery about news arround the world

News on June 18, 2023 Russia reported intense clashes across three front-line sections in Ukraine on Sunday, following an unsuccessful African peace mission that failed to generate enthusiasm from Moscow or Kyiv. Intense heat wave hits northern India, leading to increased deaths in Uttar Pradesh hospitals. Doctors suspect a correlation between high temperatures and patient ..

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AI gallery about the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events

Welcome to the AI-generated gallery titled “Russia-Ukraine War: List of Key Events.” This thought-provoking exhibition presents a curated collection of pivotal moments that have shaped the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Delving into the complex geopolitical landscape and historical context, this gallery aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the war’s significant milestones. Through ..

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AI gallery about the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events

Welcome to the AI-generated gallery titled “Russia-Ukraine War: List of Key Events.” This thought-provoking exhibition presents a curated collection of pivotal moments that have shaped the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Delving into the complex geopolitical landscape and historical context, this gallery aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the war’s significant milestones. Through ..

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