How to select a subset of xarray data for a specified year range with Python?

  Data, Data Analytics, Python

Select a subset of xarray data for a specified year range with Python by using the sel() method.

Here’s an example:

import xarray as xr

# Load your xarray dataset
ds = xr.open_dataset('')

# Select a subset of data for a specified year range
subset = ds.sel(time=slice('start_year', 'end_year'))

Replace with the name of your dataset file. Replace start_year and end_year with the years of the range you want to select. The slice() function is used to create a range of time values.

Note that the time dimension must be present in your dataset and it should be in a valid date-time format for this method to work. For example, if your time dimensiton name is “Years”, replace “time” with “Years”. The “start_year” and “end_year” must be in quotation.