How to draw beautiful gorgeous princess close-up using AI?

In this post, we provide 25 text prompt examples for creating stunning close-up portraits of beautiful and gorgeous princesses using various AI art generators such as NightCafe, DALL-E 2, Midjourney, Dream by WOMBO, craiyon, DeepDreamGenerator, and starry AI. Our purpose is to help users improve their skills in AI image generation and inspire them to create visually stunning images of princesses. We will continue to provide more examples on this topic, so users are encouraged to check back frequently for more inspiration. With our text prompt examples and the help of AI art generators, users can easily create beautiful and unique portraits of princesses. This post is designed to be user-friendly and provide a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their AI image generation skills.

closeup of princess using AI Art generators
Text prompt examples for creating images of princess with AI Art generators

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Text prompt examples

  1. Closeup of the beautiful attractive epic gorgeous Princess Jasmine from Aladdin. Jasmine is a stunning princess with long dark hair and big brown eyes. She has a slender figure and an alluring smile that makes her stand out in any room. Genres: Fantasy, Disney. Styles: Realistic, Romantic. Techniques: Digital Painting, 3D Modeling. Lights: Warm and soft lighting to accentuate Jasmine’s features. Colors: Rich, bold colors such as royal blue, gold, and emerald green to reflect her royalty. Descriptive terms: Majestic, captivating, enchanting, elegant, ethereal. This masterpiece digital artwork by Alphonse Mucha, Artgerm, WLOP, Loish, Stanley Lau, and Jirka Väätäinen. 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution. @NightCafe Back to top
  2. Closeup of a beautiful attractive epic gorgeous princess Elsa from Frozen; the princess’ appearance: She has long platinum blonde hair, icy blue eyes, and a fair complexion. She wears a light blue dress with a transparent snowflake-patterned cape, and has a snowflake-shaped diamond on her forehead. Genres: Fantasy, Disney, Animated. Styles: Realistic, Dramatic, Whimsical. Techniques: Digital Painting, 3D Modeling, Texturing. Lights: Cool, Blue, Shimmering. Colors: Light Blue, White, Silver. Descriptive terms: Majestic, Ethereal, Radiant, Enchanting, Regal. Masterpiece digital artwork by Artists: Alphonse Mucha, Lois van Baarle, Claire Hummel, Victoria Ying, Elena and Olivia Ceballos, Annie Stegg. 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution. @NightCafe Back to top
  3. Closeup of a beautiful attractive epic gorgeous princess Ariel from The Little Mermaid; the princess’ appearance: stunning red hair, bright blue eyes, and a charming smile with red lips, wearing a sea-shell bra, and seaweed-like green tail; Genres: fantasy, fairy tale, Disney; Styles: realism, romanticism, whimsical; Techniques: digital painting, photorealism; Lights: underwater ambient light with soft blue and green hues, accent light on Ariel’s face; Colors: shades of blue and green for the underwater scene, red, green and gold for Ariel’s outfit; Descriptive terms: alluring, enchanting, magical, dreamy, breathtaking; masterpiece digital artwork by Artists: Alphonse Mucha, Jirka Väätäinen, Loish, Ross Tran, Griz and Fran, Alice X. Zhang; 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution @NightCafe Back to top
  4. A closeup of a beautiful, attractive, epic, gorgeous princess named Aurora with piercing blue eyes, flowing golden hair, and a regal crown perched atop her head. She wears a flowing gown of shimmering silk and holds a scepter adorned with jewels. Genres: fantasy, portrait. Styles: realistic, romantic. Techniques: digital painting, photorealism. Lights: warm, glowing. Colors: gold, blue, white. Descriptive terms: majestic, alluring, enchanting, mesmerizing, stunning. Masterpiece digital artwork by Artists: Alphonse Mucha, Artgerm, WLOP, J. Scott Campbell, Victoria Frances, Luis Royo. 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution. Back to top
  5. A closeup of a beautiful, attractive, epic, gorgeous princess with delicate facial features, luscious hair, jewel-toned eyes, and an elegant gown with intricate details; Genres: fantasy, adventure, romance; Styles: realism, impressionism, anime; Techniques: digital painting, photorealistic rendering, dynamic lighting; Lights: soft, warm, and ethereal, creating a dreamy and magical atmosphere; Colors: rich, vibrant, and regal, with accents of gold, silver, and gem tones; Descriptive terms: enchanting, mesmerizing, captivating, alluring, breathtaking; masterpiece digital artwork by Artists: Alphonse Mucha, Artgerm, WLOP, Stanley Lau, Loish, Sakimi Chan; 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution Back to top
  6. A closeup of a beautiful attractive epic gorgeous princess named Seraphine; her appearance is enchanting, with piercing green eyes, long golden hair, and flawless porcelain skin. She wears a majestic golden crown adorned with sparkling jewels, and her dress is a flowing, elegant ballgown in shades of pink and white. Genres: fantasy, romance, portrait. Styles: realistic, romantic, traditional. Techniques: digital painting, airbrushing, photorealism. Lights: warm, soft, highlighting her beauty. Colors: pastel shades, pinks, whites, golds, with sparkling accents. Descriptive terms: regal, enchanting, mesmerizing, captivating, stunning. Masterpiece digital artwork by artists: Alphonse Mucha, Artgerm, WLOP, Omar Rayyan, Loish, and Sakimichan. 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution. Back to top
  7. A closeup of a beautiful attractive epic gorgeous princess named Aurora; the princess has long flowing golden hair, bright blue eyes, and a charming smile that lights up her face. Genres: fantasy, romance, adventure; Styles: realistic, painterly; Techniques: digital painting, photorealism, 3D modeling; Lights: dramatic, high contrast, directional lighting; Colors: warm, pastel, gold; Descriptive terms: enchanting, alluring, regal, majestic, ethereal; masterpiece digital artwork by Artists: Alphonse Mucha, Artgerm, WLOP, Ross Tran, Craig Mullins, Lois van Baarle; 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution. Back to top
  8. A stunning closeup of an attractive and epic princess with breathtaking beauty; the princess’ appearance radiates elegance and grace, with piercing eyes and luscious flowing hair. Genres: Fantasy, Romance; Styles: Realism, Illustrative; Techniques: Digital painting, Photobashing; Lights: Warm, Soft, Backlit; Colors: Rich, Vibrant, Pastel; Descriptive terms: Majestic, Enchanting, Dreamlike, Ethereal, Mesmerizing. Masterpiece digital artwork by artists: Alphonse Mucha, Artgerm, WLOP, Stanley Lau, Loish, and Annie Stegg. 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, 8K 3D, Trending on Artstation, 8K resolution. Back to top
  9. Closeup of Princess Jasmine from Aladdin, a beautiful, attractive, epic, gorgeous princess with big brown eyes, long thick black hair, and a slender figure. She wears a turquoise crop top and pants adorned with gold and silver jewelry. Genres: fantasy, animation. Styles: realistic, portrait. Techniques: digital painting, 3D modeling. Lights: warm, golden. Colors: turquoise, gold, silver, brown. Descriptive terms: regal, enchanting, exotic, alluring, captivating. Masterpiece digital artwork by Artists: Alphonse Mucha, Artgerm, WLOP, Stanley Lau, Lois van Baarle, and Jirka Vinse Jonatan Väätäinen. 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution. Back to top
  10. Closeup of the beautiful attractive epic gorgeous Princess Leia Organa from Star Wars; the princess’ appearance: with a regal presence and piercing eyes, Leia has a heart-shaped face framed by her iconic braided buns. Her flawless complexion is highlighted by a subtle pink blush, and her full lips curve into a confident smirk. Genres: Sci-Fi, Fantasy. Styles: Realism, Portraiture. Techniques: Digital Painting. Lights: Dramatic shadows cast by a single light source. Colors: Cool blues and grays contrasted with warm skin tones. Descriptive terms: Strong, Confident, Independent, Fearless, Elegant. Masterpiece digital artwork by Artists: Alphonse Mucha, Craig Mullins, Loish, Ross Tran, Olivia de Berardinis, and Scott Watanabe. 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution. Back to top
  11. Closeup of the beautiful attractive epic gorgeous Princess Leia Organa from Star Wars. Princess Leia is an iconic character from the Star Wars universe, known for her strength, intelligence, and beauty. Her appearance features long, dark hair, bright eyes, and a fierce expression. She is often depicted in a flowing white gown and has a distinct hairstyle, with her hair twisted into two buns at the sides of her head. Genres for this artwork could include science fiction, fantasy, and character art. The style could be realistic or stylized, with techniques such as digital painting or 3D modeling. Lights could be used to highlight the intricate details of her hair and clothing. Colors could include white, silver, and blue, as well as any other colors to create a stunning contrast. Descriptive terms for this image include regal, bold, confident, and striking. Masterpiece digital artwork by artists such as Alphonse Mucha, Artgerm, WLOP, and Rafael Grassetti would be a great fit for this prompt. The artwork could be created using 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, or any other powerful tools available. This artwork would be a great addition to the CGSociety community and trending on Artstation, with 8K resolution for maximum detail and clarity. Back to top
  12. Closeup of a beautiful attractive epic gorgeous princess Tiana from The Princess and the Frog; the princess’ appearance: Tiana is a stunning African-American princess with big, bright brown eyes, full lips, and curly black hair adorned with a tiara. She has a slender nose and a smooth complexion with a light dusting of freckles. Genres: Fantasy, Animation, Disney, Romance. Styles: Realism, Cartoonish. Techniques: Digital Painting, 3D Modeling. Lights: Warm, Soft, Radiant. Colors: Vibrant, Earthy. Descriptive terms: Elegant, Confident, Radiant, Charming, Enchanting. Masterpiece digital artwork by Artists: Alphonse Mucha, Loish, Sakimichan, Claire Hummel, Victoria Ying, Mingjue Helen Chen. 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution. Back to top
  13. Closeup of a beautiful attractive epic gorgeous princess named Tiana from The Princess and the Frog; the princess’ appearance is characterized by her smooth brown skin, big brown eyes, and luscious black curly hair tied in a bun with a green headband, wearing a light green strapless gown with a sweetheart neckline, and a white petal skirt with a green petticoat; Genres: Fantasy, Animation; Styles: Disney, Realistic, Digital Painting; Techniques: Digital Painting, 3D Modeling, Texturing; Lights: Soft, Warm; Colors: Green, Gold, White; Descriptive terms: Regal, Graceful, Exquisite, Lovely, Enchanting; masterpiece digital artwork by Artists: Alphonse Mucha, Loish, Ross Tran, Victoria Ying, Chris Sanders, Lorelay Bove; 3Delight, Unity 3D,3D shading,Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, 8K 3D, trending on Artstation, 8K resolution Back to top
  14. Closeup of a beautiful attractive epic gorgeous Princess Elsa from Frozen, with piercing blue eyes and long platinum blonde hair braided on the side. She wears a stunning ice blue gown with delicate snowflake patterns, accentuated by a sheer cape that flows behind her. Genres: Fantasy, Disney. Styles: Realistic, Illustrative. Techniques: Digital Painting, 3D Rendering. Lights: Glowing Ice Crystals, Soft Illumination. Colors: Icy Blue, Silver, White. Descriptive terms: Regal, Ethereal, Majestic, Enchanting, Radiant. Masterpiece digital artwork by artists: Alphonse Mucha, Loish, Craig Mullins, Bobby Chiu, WLOP, Jirka Vinse Jonatan Väätäinen. 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution. Back to top
  15. Closeup of a beautiful attractive epic gorgeous Princess Anna from Frozen; the princess has a heart-shaped face, rosy cheeks, sparkling blue eyes, and strawberry blonde hair styled in braids with a white streak; Genres: Fantasy, Disney; Styles: Realistic, painterly; Techniques: Digital painting, photorealism; Lights: Soft, warm, and inviting; Colors: shades of blue, pink, and white; Descriptive terms: Feminine, charming, playful, regal, and enchanting; masterpiece digital artwork by Artists: Alphonse Mucha, Sakimichan, Loish, Claire Hummel, Victoria Ying, Brittany Lee; 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution. Back to top
  16. Closeup of a beautiful attractive epic gorgeous princess ANNA from Frozen; the princess has a heart-shaped face, fair skin, and rosy cheeks. She has sparkling blue eyes, a small nose, and strawberry blonde hair styled in two braids. Genres: Fantasy, Disney, Animation. Styles: Realistic, Dramatic. Techniques: Digital painting, 3D modeling. Lights: Soft, Warm. Colors: Blue, Pink, Red, Gold. Descriptive terms: Elegant, Playful, Whimsical, Enchanting, Brave. A masterpiece digital artwork by Artists: Alphonse Mucha, Jirka Vinse Jonatan Väätäinen, Brittany Lee, Griselda Sastrawinata, Claire Keane, Victoria Ying. 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution. Back to top
  17. Closeup of a beautiful attractive epic gorgeous Princess Diana of Themyscira (Wonder Woman); the princess’ appearance: tall and athletic build, long wavy dark hair, piercing blue eyes, defined jawline, and confident expression; Genres: superhero, fantasy; Styles: realistic, cinematic; Techniques: digital painting, photorealism; Lights: dramatic and contrasting lighting; Colors: red, blue, gold, and silver; Descriptive terms: powerful, fierce, regal, captivating, and heroic; masterpiece digital artwork by Artists: Alphonse Mucha, Stanley “Artgerm” Lau, Alex Ross, Jenny Frison, Jim Lee, and Adi Granov; 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution. Back to top
  18. Closeup of a beautiful attractive epic gorgeous Princess Diana of Themyscira (Wonder Woman); the princess’ appearance: tall, athletic build, long dark hair, striking blue eyes, fierce expression, golden tiara on her head, silver bracelets on her wrists, and a red and blue bodice with a golden eagle emblem; Genres: superhero, fantasy, action; Styles: realistic, comic book, digital painting; Techniques: rendering, digital illustration, character design; Lights: dramatic, highlighting her features and strength; Colors: red, blue, gold, silver, with a contrast of shadows; Descriptive terms: powerful, determined, iconic, legendary, fierce; masterpiece digital artwork by Artists: Alphonse Mucha, Stanley Lau (Artgerm), Loish, Alex Ross, Jim Lee, Simone Bianchi; 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution Back to top
  19. Closeup of a beautiful attractive epic gorgeous Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda video game series; the princess’ appearance: fair-skinned, with piercing blue eyes, long golden hair, and a regal bearing. Genres: fantasy, adventure. Styles: realistic, classical. Techniques: digital painting, photobashing. Lights: soft and warm, accentuating her features. Colors: gold, blue, and white, with touches of green and purple. Descriptive terms: royal, enchanting, alluring, majestic, captivating. Masterpiece digital artwork by Artists: Alphonse Mucha, Warren Louw, Stanley Artgerm Lau, Karla Ortiz, JungShan, and Sakimichan. 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution. Back to top
  20. Closeup of a beautiful attractive epic gorgeous Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda video game series; the princess’ appearance: she has fair skin, large blue eyes, pointed ears, and long blonde hair that falls in waves down her back. She is often depicted wearing a regal and elegant dress adorned with jewels and intricate patterns. Genres: fantasy, video game art. Styles: realistic, fantasy art. Techniques: digital painting, illustration. Lights: soft and ethereal lighting to enhance her beauty and regal aura. Colors: gold, blue, green, white, and silver, which are often associated with royalty and nobility. Descriptive terms: majestic, alluring, ethereal, elegant, and divine. Masterpiece digital artwork by Artists: Alphonse Mucha, Stanley Lau, Sakimi Chan, Warren Louw, Loish, and Alice X. Zhang. 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution. Back to top
  21. Closeup of a beautiful attractive epic gorgeous Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty; the princess’ appearance: long blonde hair, rosy cheeks, blue eyes, and delicate facial features with a gentle smile on her lips; Genres: fantasy, portrait, character design; Styles: realistic, classical, romantic; Techniques: digital painting, photorealistic rendering, character modeling; Lights: warm and soft lighting, emphasizing her natural beauty; Colors: pastel colors, particularly shades of pink and blue, with a touch of gold; Descriptive terms: elegant, ethereal, dreamy, enchanting, alluring; masterpiece digital artwork by Artists: Alphonse Mucha, Artgerm, J. Scott Campbell, Stanley Lau, Elsa Chang, and Craig Mullins; 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution. Back to top
  22. Closeup of a beautiful attractive epic gorgeous princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty; the princess’ appearance: she has long flowing blonde hair, delicate facial features, bright blue eyes, and a kind smile. Genres: fantasy, portrait. Styles: realistic, painterly. Techniques: digital painting, photobashing. Lights: soft, warm. Colors: pastel, pink. Descriptive terms: elegant, graceful, ethereal, charming, enchanting. Masterpiece digital artwork by artists: Alphonse Mucha, Stanley Lau (Artgerm), Sakimi Chan, Ross Tran, Lois van Baarle (Loish), Elena Sai. 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution. Back to top
  23. Closeup of a beautiful attractive epic gorgeous princess Ariel from The Little Mermaid; the princess’ appearance: with red flowing hair, big blue eyes, a heart-shaped face, and a beautiful voice; Genres: Fantasy, Disney, Animation; Styles: Realistic, Illustrative, Cartoonish; Techniques: Digital painting, 2D animation; Lights: Underwater blue light, illuminating the face; Colors: Blue, Green, and Red; Descriptive terms: Graceful, Enchanting, Mysterious, Dreamy, Alluring; masterpiece digital artwork by Artists: Alphonse Mucha, Lois van Baarle, Brittney Lee, Glen Keane, James Jean, Andrew Hickinbottom; 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution Back to top
  24. Closeup of a beautiful attractive epic gorgeous Princess Fiona from Shrek; the princess’ appearance: She has bright green skin, long flowing red hair, and strikingly beautiful features with an air of regal elegance. Genres: Fantasy, Animation, Comedy. Styles: Cartoon, Disney-inspired. Techniques: Digital Painting, 3D modeling. Lights: Soft, warm, and glowing. Colors: Vibrant and bold with a focus on green and red tones. Descriptive terms: Enchanting, captivating, alluring, striking, stunning. Masterpiece digital artwork by artists: Alphonse Mucha, Loish, Alessandro Baldasseroni, Tomasz Mrozinski, Kyoungmin Park, and Nicolas Gekko. 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution. Back to top
  25. Closeup of a beautiful attractive epic gorgeous princess Fiona from Shrek; the princess’ appearance: a green-skinned human female with long curly red hair, deep blue eyes, and a kind and warm smile on her face. Genres: fantasy, cartoon. Styles: Disney, Pixar. Techniques: digital painting. Lights: warm, natural light. Colors: green, red, blue. Descriptive terms: charming, lovely, sweet, enchanting, stunning. Masterpiece digital artwork by artists: Alphonse Mucha, Glen Keane, Brittney Lee, Claire Keane, Lorelay Bove, and Griselda Sastrawinata-Lemay. 3Delight, Unity 3D, 3D shading, Unreal Engine 5, CGSociety, trending on Artstation, 8K 3D, 8K resolution. Back to top