How to read Rdata with python?

  AI, Data, Data Analytics, Pandas, Python, Worknotes

There are a few Python packages that can be used to read RData files. Here are three popular ones:

  1. rpy2: This package allows you to use R within Python and provides functions for working with RData files. You should have R installed in your working environment.You can install rpy2 using pip:

#install rpy2

!pip install rpy2

#An example of how to use rpy2 to load an RData file:
import rpy2.robjects as robjects

# Load RData file

# Access R objects from Python
r_var = robjects.globalenv['var_name']

2. pyreadr: This package provides a simple interface for reading RData files into Python. You can install pyreadr using pip:

#install pyread
!pip install pyreadr

#An example of how to use pyreadr to load an RData file:
import pyreadr

# Load RData file
result = pyreadr.read_r('file.RData')

# Access Python objects from the result dictionary
var = result['var_name']

3. pandas: The pandas package can also be used to read RData files into Python. However, it requires the rpy2 package to be installed as well. You should have R installed in your working environment. Here’s an example of how to use pandas to load an RData file:

import pandas as pd
from rpy2.robjects import r

# Load RData file

# Access R objects as pandas DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(r['var_name'])