Investing money is the process of committing resources in a strategic way to accomplish a specific objective.
( Alan Gotthardt )
Much success can be attributed to inactivity. Most investors cannot resist the temptation to constantly buy and sell.
( Warren Buffett )
I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.
( Warren Buffett )
Invest for the long haul. Don’t get too greedy and don’t get too scared.
( Shelby M.C. Davis )
Although few would admit it, the truth is that the typical trader wants to be right on every single trade. He is desperately trying to create certainty where it just doesn’t exist.
( Mark Douglas )
The investor’s chief problem — and even his worst enemy — is likely to be himself.
( Benjamin Graham )
Investing puts money to work. The only reason to save money is to invest it.
( Grant Cardone )