Games are won by players who focus on the playing field –- not by those whose eyes are glued to the scoreboard.
( Warren Buffett )
Stocks are bought on expectations, not facts.
( Gerald M. Loeb )
Speculation is dealing with the uncertain conditions of the unknown future. Every human action is a speculation in that it is embedded in the flux of time.
( Ludwig von Mises )
The aim is to make money, not to be right.
( Ludwig von Mises )
Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas.
( Paul Samuelson )
The goal of a successful trader is to make the best trades. Money is secondary.
( Alexander Elder )
The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.
( Neil deGrasse Tyson )