If you aren’t thinking about owning a stock for 10 years, don’t even think about owning it for 10 minutes.
( Warren Buffett )
Forecasts may tell you a great deal about the forecaster; they tell you nothing about the future.
( Warren Buffett )
Stocks are bought not in fear but in hope. They are typically sold out of fear.
( Justin Mamis )
Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble.
( warren buffett )
Patterns don't work 100% of the time.
( Ifan Wei )
In the short run, the market is a voting machine. In the long run, it is a weighing machine.
( Benjamin Graham )
The intelligent investor is a realist who sells to optimists and buys from pessimists.
( Benjamin Graham )