Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble.
( warren buffett )
Investing money is the process of committing resources in a strategic way to accomplish a specific objective.
( Alan Gotthardt )
Stock analysis and investing is not rocket science, but it needs a little conscience.
No profession requires more hard work, intelligence, patience, and mental discipline than successful speculation.
( Robert Rhea )
I can calculate the motions of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.
( Isaac Newton )
We don’t have to be smarter than the rest. We have to be more disciplined than the rest.
( Warren Buffett )
Large price changes tend to be followed by more large changes, positive or negative. Small changes tend to be followed by more small changes. Volatility clusters.
( Benoit B. Mandlebrot )