Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results.
( Jesse Livermore )
Speculation is a hard and trying business, and a speculator must be on the job all the time, or he'll soon have no job to be on.
( Jesse Livermore )
Letting losses run is the most serious mistake made by most investors.
( William O'Neil )
Speculation is dealing with the uncertain conditions of the unknown future. Every human action is a speculation in that it is embedded in the flux of time.
( Ludwig von Mises )
Invest for the long haul. Don’t get too greedy and don’t get too scared.
( Shelby M.C. Davis )
Investors should remember that excitement and expenses are their enemies.
( Warren Buffett )
Large price changes tend to be followed by more large changes, positive or negative. Small changes tend to be followed by more small changes. Volatility clusters.
( Benoit B. Mandlebrot )