Speculation is a hard and trying business, and a speculator must be on the job all the time, or he'll soon have no job to be on.
( Jesse Livermore )
Investing money is the process of committing resources in a strategic way to accomplish a specific objective.
( Alan Gotthardt )
The hard part is discipline, patience and judgement
( Seth Klarman )
Earn as much as you can, save as much as you can, invest as much as you can, give as much as you can.
( John Wesley )
Investing puts money to work. The only reason to save money is to invest it.
( Grant Cardone )
There is no such thing as no risk. There’s only this choice of what to risk, and when to risk it.
( Nick Murray )
The most dangerous people in the world are very smart traders who have never gotten their teeth kicked in.
( F. Helmut Weymar )